There is a lot we cannot control right now but we can all contribute by staying home except for essential tasks and truly practicing social distancing during this time. So while many of you may be going a little stir crazy and feeling uncertain, there are a few tricks to help maintain calm and normalcy in your lives.
Tips How To Stay Healthy At Home
Get Dressed!
With no one showing up at your house and with no real place to be every day, it can be easy to not shower and lay in your pajamas all day. Make sure to get up and shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, wash your face, maybe even throw on some fun colored clothing. You’ll be surprised how doing this every day can impact your mood and attitude towards the day.
Stick to a Routine
With no where to be, it can be easy to fall into unhealthy habits of staying up late, binge watching TV, and not sticking to our regular sleep schedules. Going to bed at the same time every night (including weekends) helps your circadian rhythm stay in tune. To learn more about how your circadian rhythm has an impact on your overall health and well being, click here.
Look For the Positive’s
With all the chaos around us, it is important to step back and look at the positive things in our lives. Something as simple as the flowers beginning to blume or the excitement of your dog when you wake in the morning. Make sure to take note off all the wonderful things still occurring in the world. Work to find humor and kindness in each day. Many people are coming together to help support each other as a community and and check in with the elderly. Finding ways to support others and connect (from a distance) can give a sense of control in times of uncertainty.
Just because we are practicing social distancing, doesn’t mean we can’t get fresh air. If you don’t feel comfortable going outside, there are many online workout videos you can try. Many where no equipment is necessary. You’d be amazed at how powerful of a workout you can get in just using your own body weight. Walk or run your neighborhood, waving to neighbors from across the street. Your pets will even enjoy a nice stroll. Do push ups, lunges, and planks in your back yard. Open your windows and let the fresh air in.
Make sure you continue to get 30 minutes of moderate exercise, 5 times per week. Exercise decreases anxiety, boosts mood, and improves overall quality of life. Exercise is your friend and can even help with insomnia.
Eat Well
Nutrition is key in maintaining a healthy immune system and lifestyle. Do your best to continue to eat your fruits and vegetables and limit processed foods. We can’t all be perfect during these times but we can do our best. Make sure to stay hydrated and don’t over indulge in food and alcohol. Now is a great time to learn how to cook some fun new things.
Be Patient
Everyone is going through some struggle during this time; mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, and financially. A lot of changes are happening and very quickly. It can be a lot to absorb, process, and take in. Be patient with each other. Blow ups and melt downs can and will happen. Know that people are doing their best to cope and continue to love and forgive during disagreements during this time. In addition, make sure to be patient with yourself. Accept everything about yourself and current situation without blame, pushback, and questions.
Many children do not know how to fully expressing their feelings. We are all struggling with disruptions in routine. Know that your children may require extra attention and may act out. Be prepared for melt downs, anxiety, worries, sleep disruptions, nightmares and testing limits. Work to limit or avoid conversations regarding COVID-19 in front of kids. Make sure to engage in play time and establish spaces to retreat. Perhaps build your kids a fort, or comfortable space they can go when feeling stressed. The same goes for adults.
Stay Connected with Others (From a Distance)
We couldn’t live in a better time with all the benefits of modern technology. FaceTime, Facebook Messenger, Skype, text, and call one other. The options are limitless. This is a great time to pause and reconnect with those in our lives. While no one is immune to COVID-19, do your best to check in on those who are at higher risk for mortality during this pandemic. Maybe your elderly neighbor could use a pack of toilet paper dropped off on their porch? Find out how you can help support those around you. Make sure to remember your kids stay connected as well.
Start a New Hobby or Activity
Have you ever wanted to learn a new skill or learn more about a topic? Maybe you have owned a guitar but put off learning how to play due to time constraints? Or maybe you want to finally understand quantum physics? Now is a great time to take advantage of online resources and tools and just do it! Perhaps there has been a puzzle you have wanted to do, books you have wanted to read, or a video game you’ve been wanting to play. Get after it and don't be afraid to expand your horizons!
Seek Out Help
At the end of the day, remind yourself that this is only temporary. While we might not know how long these changes will last, remind yourself that it is just a season and eventually seasons come to an end. If you are struggling, do not be afraid to reach out for help. Continue to take medications and continue therapy sessions the best you can. Many therapists, phycologists, and physicians are still electronically seeing patients and are here to help. There are support groups, teachers, and service providers as well. You are not alone. We are all together in this.
What tips and tricks are you using during this time? Share them in the comments below.